

Monday's are rough.
The only good thing that comes from them is The Bachelor [more on that later],
but even Brad is getting a little boring these days.
I mean, how many plaid shirts can a guy own?

In an attempt to make life better, we ventured to The Dairy Godmother yesterday.
It was my first time having frozen custard, and I think I may never go back to ice cream.

Since the topic of conversation was dating [yuck],
Megan here gave us some excellent pointers, since she's engaged and all!

And then we found this little gem in the store, and had to take a picture for Abbey,
who just adores Obama and all he stands for! Right Abb?


Unknown said...

Hahaha, OMG. Thanks for the shout out, jerk! Can't I get some love for my conservative values in the political arena?

That's it...I'm going to buy you all of Michael Savage's books so you can proudly display them on your bookshelf :) You've left me no choice.

Let's chat soon when you are awake and I'm not working!

Erin Collins said...

Hahah how any plaid shirts can a guy own... so true!